Saturday, 3 December 2016

Justify text in SQL Reporting Services

Is there a way of fully-justifying text in SQL Reporting Services?
I've been searching around and it seems the feature is still not supported by Reporting Services, but are there any workarounds?
I know this question has been asked before, but maybe progress has been made in the mean time.



This is not possible, at least not in SSRS 2008 and below. The only options for aligning text are Left, Center and Right.
The only workaround I could think of was enabling HTML tags in a text box, but the styling for Justify alignment is just ignored. So there really aren't any suitable workarounds AFAIK, short of using picture with justified text (~shudder!~).
You should keep an eye on the corresponding MS Connect bug report and perhaps vote on it as well. It's got 58 votes at the time of writing. I found the bug report through this social.msdn thread, which has been going on for quite some time.



'picture with justified text in SSRS': you can create a AdvRichTextBox control (see code ) and use it in ssrs following these steps :

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